Dismembered Ethics in the Body
“…and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.” 1 Cor. 12:13-14
the white eye cannot say to the black hand
i have no need of
(you)r ethics
(you)r wisdom
(you)r history
(you)r suffering
(you)r social lens
to shape mine
the white head says
come, stand on our mountain
where the moral air is clear
and serve Christ
but brown feet say,
it is under the persisting weight of your oppression
that we found Him
if one part suffers
every part suffers with it
if one part dismisses the suffering of other parts
then its politics
or doctrine
may be soft as steel
but its ethics,
what serves the ends of capitalism
may deform the means of Christ;
if you’re seeking moral high ground,
heed the consensus
of indispensable parts
where you find no privilege
the voiceless and vulnerable parts cannot be protected
with malignant cells;
an unborn life is only as cherished
as her born life
is afforded the horizon of equity
the problem with preaching from mt. affluent is
the most honored parts below
at the margins
can’t hear you
or recognize your voice
as one who has heard theirs
equal concern for each other
requires lowered ears
and hearts of flesh
so eyes can say to hands,
rebuke me!
help me see!
God has put the body together
and Christ has paved the path
of poverty
at the hands of empire and religion
as a template
the ethics of the poor
to the morally-dressed idols of the rich;
any movement that lays claim to life
but smears the plight of the oppressed
is sanctioned by darkness
we don’t need you
says the fellowship of eyes
severed from the Spirit;
we talk to each other
we seek moral clarity
we think
we vote or we abstain
why would eyes ask a consensus of hands how to see?
Image: Dissect, painting by Dan Sproul